LABPLAS first sampling campaign in the Elbe river

In January 2022, the German team successfully completed its first sampling campaign in the Elbe river. Sampling sites Sampling sites at Elbe river basin 13: Elbe estuary (coincides with HOTMIC sampling site) 14: Central Hamburg (urban) 15: Elbstorf: Downstream tidal limit 16: Dömitz upstream tidal limit 17: Tributary: Mulde/Elbe confluence: industrial influence 18: Klöden: rural…

Cluster Meeting of Projects Contributing to the EU Plastics Strategy

On 30th September, the European Research Agency (REA) organised a “Cluster Meeting of Projects Contributing to the EU Plastics Strategy”. LABPLAS Coordinator Prof. Ricardo Beiras (Universidade de Vigo-Ecotox) presented LABPLAS project’s objectives, activities and expected impacts in Session 2: Tackling Plastic Pollution. Eleven other EU H2020 projects which were kick-started in the spring of 2021…