On April 9th, amidst the prestigious backdrop of the 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference, a pivotal satellite event titled “Global Awareness, Research Activities and Network to Address Ocean Microplastic Pollution” convened at the PRBB-Barcelona Biomedical Research Park. Spearheaded by NORCE and IAEA, and jointly organized with esteemed partners including AIR Centre (representing the LabPlas Project), SINTEF Ocean, Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the European Atomic Agency, rallying high-level representatives, leading experts, and stakeholders in a united front against this ecological threat.
The overarching goal of the satellite event was clear: to propel global awareness, foster innovative insights, and advocate for actionable solutions in combatting the pervasive scourge of ocean microplastic pollution. Throughout the program, attendees were immersed in a rich tapestry of scientific revelations, interactive discussions, and insightful presentations, all geared towards illuminating the path forward in this critical endeavour.
The event commenced with stirring introductory remarks by Marc Metian of IAEA and Alessio Gomiero of NORCE, setting a dynamic tone for the ensuing dialogue. Central to the discourse were presentations such as “Scientists Unite: Improving Hazard Assessment of Microplastics,” which unveiled cutting-edge research methodologies and underscored the imperative for collaborative efforts in advancing our understanding of microplastic hazards.
The satellite event was structured into two discussion panels, each delving into distinct facets of the microplastic pollution dilemma. The first panel dissected the multifaceted dimensions of plastic pollution, delving into its environmental, socio-economic, and health ramifications. The second panel explored the pivotal role of networks in supporting research and monitoring endeavours, emphasizing the power of collective action in effecting tangible change.
At the heart of the event lay a resounding call to action: the imperative for concerted, sustained action in combatting ocean microplastic pollution. As Florence Descroix-Comanducci, Director of IAEA Marine Environment Laboratories, aptly remarked, “We are committed to supporting our member states in surveying these emerging pollutants and building their ability to compare their data gathered using harmonized methodologies and protocols for science-informed policy.” This view encapsulates the collective resolve of stakeholders to marshal resources, expertise, and political will towards a common goal: safeguarding our oceans for present and future generations.